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UTI with culture method

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UTI with culture method

 Urinalysis is a valuable diagnostic tool for many common disease states. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the most commonly diagnosed infections in both outpatient and inpatient populations. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is essential for practitioners to understand the value and limitations of urinalysis and urine culture. Use of these tests in conjunction with an assessment of urinary symptoms will yield a diagnosis of either asymptomatic bacteriuria or symptomatic UTI. Microbiologists can play a key role in recommending the withdrawal of antibiotic when it is not indicated, by providing guidance on appropriate antibiotic selection when treatment is warranted. Urinalysis is the most frequently used test for
the evaluation of potential UTI. In addition, it can provide useful information related to screening and diagnosis of other conditions, including malignancy, proteinuria, glycosuria, ketonuria, and renal calculi.

 Accurate interpretation of urinalysis results is a key concept for health care providers in order to diagnose and treat patients appropriately. This article presents a simple and reliable urine culture technique for the diagnosis of UTI by identifying various infecting microbes and pathogens. Further
studies are required to develop methods for urine culture techniques to identify more resistance pathogens and microbes.

“Keywords:” Culture, UTI. Ecoli, Urinanalysis, Bacteria, Pathogens